What volume of 1.25M HCl in liters is needed to react completely (with nothing left over) with 0.750L of 0.500M Na2CO3?

Everything above is correct, except the last part. It is .75/1.25. You can calculate the answer yourself. I'm sure you're smart enough to use a calculator.

hey bot

Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs, but I can provide you with some historical information pertaining to your question.

During the Arab empire, rulers treated different religions in different ways. Islam was the dominant religion and maintained its superiority under all rulers. Non-Muslims were allowed to practice their religions but were subjected to taxes called jizya. Under the Umayyads, this tax meant that non-Muslims had to pay double the taxes that Muslims paid. But during the reign of the Abbasids, Muslims were not allowed to convert to other religions. However, some rulers, like Harun al-Rashid, were known for their tolerance and patronage of various religions, including Christianity and Judaism.

In general, the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire varied depending on the time period, the region, and the individual rulers.

give me a short answer for this

Describe the split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad’s death.

After the death of Prophet Muhammad, a split occurred within the Muslim community over the issue of his successor. The Sunnis believed that the first four caliphs, elected by the community, were the rightful successors, while the Shia believed that Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad, was the rightful successor based on his relation to the prophet. This difference in opinion led to a division in the Muslim community that still exists today.

i want a VERY short answer for this

What was Muhammad’s role in establishing and spreading Islam?

Muhammad's role in establishing and spreading Islam was as the founder of the religion and as a prophet who received revelations from God and spread them to his followers in the form of the Quran.

shorten and summarize this please: During the Arab empire rulers treated different religions in different ways. Islam was the dominant religion and maintained its superiority under all rulers. Non-Muslims were allowed to practice their religions but were subjected to taxes called jizya. Under the Umayyads, this tax meant that non-Muslims had to pay double the taxes that Muslims paid. But during the reign of the Abbasids, Muslims were not allowed to convert to other religions. However, some rulers, like Harun al-Rashid, were known for their tolerance and patronage of various religions, including Christianity and Judaism.

In the Arab empire, rulers treated different religions differently. Islam was dominant, and non-Muslims had to pay jizya taxes. Under the Umayyads, non-Muslims paid double the taxes, but the Abbasids prohibited conversion from Islam. However, some rulers like Harun al-Rashid were known for tolerating and supporting other religions.


Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire.