1 many doctors believe that when sick people become (heartrending, despondent) over their health, it is more difficult for them to recover

Ans ( despondent)

2 After receiving his paper marked with a big red D in his teacher's handwriting, the student sulked (despondently, leisurely) for hours

Ans. ( despondently)

3 We repaired the house (randomly, piecemeal) doing one small task after another.

Ans. piecemeal

To find the answers to the given questions, we need to understand the meanings of the words provided in parentheses. Let's break it down:

1. "Many doctors believe that when sick people become (heartrending, despondent) over their health, it is more difficult for them to recover."

Here, we need to determine which word, "heartrending" or "despondent," fits the sentence correctly. To do that, let's understand their meanings:

- Heartrending: causing intense feelings of sadness or distress.
- Despondent: feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression.

Given the context that sick people becoming either heartrending or despondent, it makes more sense for them to become despondent. When someone is sick and feels extremely discouraged or depressed about their health, it becomes harder for them to recover. Therefore, the correct answer is "despondent."

2. "After receiving his paper marked with a big red D in his teacher's handwriting, the student sulked (despondently, leisurely) for hours."

In this sentence, we need to determine whether the student sulked "despondently" or "leisurely." Let's look at the meanings:

- Despondently: in a discouraging or depressed manner.
- Leisurely: in a relaxed, unhurried, or slow manner.

Considering that the student received a low grade and that it affected his mood, it is more likely that he sulked in a discouraging or depressed manner, so the correct answer is "despondently."

3. "We repaired the house (randomly, piecemeal) doing one small task after another."

For this sentence, we have to choose between "randomly" or "piecemeal." Let's define them:

- Randomly: in no particular order or pattern, haphazardly.
- Piecemeal: gradually or bit by bit, one piece at a time.

Given the context that the house repairs were done by completing one small task after another, it implies that the repairs were done in a gradual or bit-by-bit manner. Therefore, the correct answer is "piecemeal."

All are correct. :-)