Susan uses 15 rolls of ribbon to decorate 10 wedding baskets. Each roll of ribbon is 5 3/8 yards long. After she decorates the baskets, she decides to cut off another 3/4 yard from the ribbon of each basket. Write and simplify an expression to fin out how much ribbon was used on the baskets.

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See previous post: Mon, 4-7-14, 3:36 PM.

Mari bought 18 rolls of ribbon the average length of each roll of ribbon is 6 feet find the total length of all the rolls of ribbon

To find out how much ribbon was used on the baskets, we first need to find the total amount of ribbon used for decorating the baskets.

Susan used 15 rolls of ribbon, and each roll is 5 3/8 yards long. We can convert the mixed fraction 5 3/8 to an improper fraction, which is 43/8.

So, the total length of ribbon used for decorating the baskets is:

15 rolls × (43/8 yards per roll)

To simplify this expression, we can first multiply the whole number (15) by the numerator (43) and then add it to the product of the whole number (15) multiplied by the denominator (8).

15 × 43 = 645

15 × 8 = 120

Now, we add those two products:

645 + 120 = 765

So, the total length of ribbon used for decorating the baskets is 765 yards.

However, according to the question, Susan also decides to cut off another 3/4 yard from the ribbon of each basket. Since there are 10 baskets, we need to subtract 3/4 yard from the total length of ribbon we calculated earlier.

So, the final expression to find out how much ribbon was used on the baskets is:

765 - (10 × 3/4)

Now, let's calculate the right side of the expression:

10 × 3/4 = 30/4 = 7.5

Now, we can substitute this value into the expression:

765 - 7.5

Finally, we subtract 7.5 from 765 to find the answer:

765 - 7.5 = 757.5

Therefore, the expression to find out how much ribbon was used on the baskets simplifies to 757.5 yards.