Put the following words in the correct place in these sentences.

Revoke, Provoke, Invoke

A. If we put something off until later, we _____ it. And something done for posterity is done for ____. If a Congressional Medal of Honor is awarded posthumously, it indicates that the soldier is _____. Something that happens post facto happens ______.

I don't think those word go with those definitions.



A. If we put something off until later, we **revoke** it. And something done for posterity is done for **invoke**. If a Congressional Medal of Honor is awarded posthumously, it indicates that the soldier is **provoke**. Something that happens post facto happens **invoke**.

To determine the correct placement of the words in the sentences, we need to understand their meanings and usage.

1. Revoke: means to cancel or annul something. In the context of the sentence, if we put something off until later, it means we are canceling or postponing it.

2. Invoke: means to call upon or to use or mention something as an authority or reason. In the context of the sentence, when something is done for posterity, it means it is being used or mentioned as a justification or purpose.

3. Provoke: means to stimulate or incite someone or something to action or strong emotion. In the context of the sentence, if a soldier is awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously, it means the soldier's actions incited or stimulated the award.

4. Post facto: is a Latin term that means "after the fact" or "retroactively." In the context of the sentence, if something happens post facto, it means it happens after the relevant event has already taken place.

By understanding the meanings of these words, we can correctly place them in the sentences as follows:

"If we put something off until later, we **revoke** it. And something done for posterity is done for **invoke**. If a Congressional Medal of Honor is awarded posthumously, it indicates that the soldier is **provoke**. Something that happens post facto happens **invoke**."