1. list three example of verbal irony and explain how each contribute to the suspense and sinister tone of the narrative

*Verbal Irony - Fortanato toasts "to the buried that repose around us"

*, “My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met.” However, he actually means that he himself is happy to see Fortunato because he will profit from this meeting, not Fortunato.

*Later, Montresor appears to be worried about Fortunato’s health as they travel deeper into the catacombs and says, “We will go back. Your health is precious.” However, he has no intention of going back and is not worried about Fortunato’s health.

2. .what techniques does the narrator use to confuse and delay fortunato

The narrator keeps offering to bring Fortunato back home,, Montresor shows him his trowel, the implication being that Montresor is an actual stonemason.

is it that?

Montresor knows that Fortunato is very vain about his knowledge about wines. M knows F will not go back willingly unless/until he pronounces the wine in question good or bad ... but of course, we readers know that will never happen.

Yes, that is correct. The narrator, Montresor, uses several techniques to confuse and delay Fortunato in Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Cask of Amontillado." One of these techniques is offering to bring Fortunato back home and insisting that his health is precious, as mentioned in your previous question. This creates a false sense of concern and lulls Fortunato into a false sense of security.

Another technique used by Montresor is showing Fortunato his trowel. By presenting himself as a stonemason, Montresor can serve two purposes. Firstly, it adds credibility to his story that he has a rare cask of Amontillado hidden in the catacombs. Secondly, it reinforces the idea that they are going on an innocent expedition to examine the wine, rather than a deceitful plan for revenge.

By confusing and delaying Fortunato, Montresor is able to control the situation and ensure that Fortunato does not suspect any foul play. This increases the suspense and sinister tone of the narrative as the reader begins to anticipate the true intentions of the narrator and the unfolding of the revenge plot.