Which word best completes this sentence?

1. Although the biographer claimed to admire his subject, his writing had a ______ tone.

A. Tumultuous
B. Sentimental
C. Condescending
D. Poignant

I think the word that best completes this sentence is either a. or b. but I'm not entirely sure.

I disagree.

Please check the definitions of these words. Which word implies a meaning opposite of "admire?"

Yes. C is right.

lisa is on the team ______ won first place.

To determine the word that best completes the sentence, let's analyze the context and meanings of the options:

A. Tumultuous: This word means disorderly or chaotic. It does not fit well in the sentence because it does not describe a tone of writing.

B. Sentimental: This word refers to being nostalgic, emotional, or having tender feelings. Given that the biographer claimed to admire his subject, it is possible for the writing to have a sentimental tone. This choice seems plausible.

C. Condescending: This word means behaving in a superior manner or treating someone as if they are less important. It does not align with the biographer's claim of admiration and seems contradictory.

D. Poignant: This word indicates evoking a strong sense of sadness or sympathy. While it is possible for the writing to have a poignant tone even if the biographer admires his subject, it does not strongly connect to the idea of admiration.

Considering the meanings of the options in the context of the sentence, "B. Sentimental" is the most appropriate choice.