The low temperature for 6 consecutive days in a Montana city were 9°,3°,4°,16°,11°,and 5°. What would the low temperature have to be on the seventh day to have a mean low temperature of 6°for the week?

(9+3+4+16+11+5+T)/7 = 6.

Solve for T.

To find the low temperature on the seventh day to have a mean low temperature of 6° for the week, we need to use the formula for calculating the mean (average) temperature.

The mean temperature is the sum of all the temperatures divided by the number of days.

In this case, we have temperatures for 6 days, so the mean temperature formula is:

Mean temperature = (sum of all temperatures) / (number of days)

We can set up the equation:

6 (mean temperature) = sum of all temperatures

First, we need to calculate the sum of all temperatures:

9° + 3° + 4° + 16° + 11° + 5° = 48°

Now, we can substitute the values into the equation:

6 * 6° = 48°

36° = 48°

To find the low temperature on the seventh day, we need to calculate the difference between the sum of all temperatures so far and the desired total:

48° - (6 * 6°) = 48° - 36° = 12°

Therefore, the low temperature on the seventh day would have to be 12° to have a mean low temperature of 6° for the week.

To find the low temperature on the seventh day, we need to consider the mean (average) low temperature for the entire week, which is given as 6°.

The mean is calculated by adding up all the temperatures and dividing by the number of days. In this case, we have 6 days of known temperatures, and we want to find the temperature for the seventh day.

Let's add up the temperatures for the known days:
9° + 3° + 4° + 16° + 11° + 5° = 48°

Now, we have the sum of the temperatures for the known days. To find the temperature for the seventh day, we need to divide the sum by the total number of days (including the seventh day), which is 7.

48° / 7 days = 6.8571°

To get a mean low temperature of exactly 6° for the entire week, the sum of the temperatures for all 7 days should equal 6 multiplied by 7, which is 42°.

To find the temperature for the seventh day that would give a mean of 6°, we subtract the sum of the known temperatures from the desired sum for the whole week:

42° - 48° = -6°

Therefore, to have a mean low temperature of 6° for the week, the low temperature on the seventh day would need to be -6°. However, it is important to note that negative temperatures may not be realistic or possible in this context, so the actual low temperature for the seventh day might be different, depending on the weather conditions.