i am having troubles on what to right for the conflict and resolution can someone tell me what they are ? Thanks

My Stepmother
by Thanh Nguyen

When my stepmother first came, her eyes were sharp and bright as little
knives. Her youth and my childhood ran into each other - she was the victor.
Althought my father was still alive, I felt orphaned, depressed and alone,
crying by myself, grew up alone. In the first year of peace, everyoe drifted.
My father went out - returned with gray hair. I have my father to compensate
me for the loss of my childhood. Sometimes vague envy found father stitting
in silent expectation...

A decade goes by. My stepmother is still as beautiful as at first, though older.
She returns to ask my father to forgive her mistake: My half sister has
another half sister. My heart was no longer jealous - I ony felt sorry for my
half sister, who was really too young... I hoped she would not find herself
once more on a tipping wagon. My father died, rain poured down in the
courtyard. My tears gleaned some contentment: Mother anf father together
now, forever.

After that she aged quickly, solitary, silent as a shadow, her eyes no longer
sharp as knives. When my son entered the world, she was the first to carry
him, she who changed him the first time, placed him in the gently rocking
hammock. My half-sister asked her mother, only helf-joking, Will you favor
my first child this way? Lullabies contain no riddles and tears run down
forever. My stepmothers silent eyes smiled brightly when my son threw
himself into her arms: "Grandma!"

In the story "My Stepmother" by Thanh Nguyen, the conflict and resolution can be identified through the events and emotions described.

The conflict in the story revolves around the narrator's initial negative feelings towards their stepmother. When the stepmother first came into their life, the narrator felt orphaned, depressed, and alone. They describe their father aging and feeling a sense of loss for their childhood. This conflict arises from the narrator's struggle to accept their stepmother and the changes she brings to their family dynamic.

The resolution of the conflict occurs gradually over time. As the years pass, the narrator's perspective on their stepmother changes. They no longer feel jealous but rather sorry for their half-sister, who has another half-sister. The death of the father brings some contentment, as the narrator believes their parents are now together forever. Towards the end of the story, the stepmother ages quickly and becomes solitary, but she becomes a loving and doting grandmother. The narrator's son embraces her as "Grandma," and her silent eyes smile brightly. This serves as a resolution to the initial conflict, as the stepmother is now accepted and loved by the narrator and their family.

To determine the conflict and resolution of a story, it is important to carefully read and analyze the events, characters, and their emotions throughout the narrative. By paying attention to the changes in relationships and the resolution of any issues or tensions, one can identify the key elements of conflict and resolution within a story.