how do you think our nations output should be distributed ? by income?

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with information about different approaches to distributing a nation's output by income.

There are several possible ways to distribute a nation's output by income, each with different economic and social implications. Here are a few commonly discussed approaches:

1. Progressive Income Tax: This approach involves taxing higher income earners at a higher rate, thereby redistributing income from the rich to the poor. The idea behind this method is that those who earn more have a greater ability to pay taxes and should contribute more to support social welfare programs.

2. Universal Basic Income (UBI): UBI is a system in which every citizen receives a regular, unconditional cash payment from the government. This method aims to provide a minimum level of income to all individuals, regardless of their income level or employment status, thereby reducing income inequality.

3. Wealth Redistribution: This approach focuses on addressing wealth inequality rather than just income inequality. It involves implementing policies that redistribute wealth in society, such as inheritance taxes or wealth taxes. The goal is to reduce the concentration of wealth among a few individuals or families and promote a more equitable distribution of assets.

4. Market-Based Approach: Some argue that income distribution should be determined predominantly by market forces, with minimal government intervention. According to this view, individuals should be free to keep the majority of their income and accumulate wealth based on their skills, abilities, and efforts. Supporters of this approach believe that a free-market system encourages innovation, productivity, and economic growth that benefit society as a whole.

It's important to note that the choice of income distribution policy is often a subject of debate and depends on various factors such as a country's political climate, cultural values, and economic conditions. Public opinion, social welfare goals, and economic theories all play a role in shaping the approach taken by governments in different countries.