Determine each verb and predicate noun or predicate adjective

1.Each year about ten million people visit Niagara Falls.
2.Many industries also operate close by.
3.To them, businesses ruin the area's scenic beauty.
4.Rainbow Bridge spans the gorge below Niagara Falls.

1. Verb is "visit"
2. Verb is "operate"
3. Verb is "ruin"
4. Verb is "spans"

none of the sentences have predicate nouns or adjectives

Yes. They are right.

It is rong

To determine the verb in a sentence, you need to identify the action that is being performed or the state of being. The verb is usually the word that indicates what the subject of the sentence is doing or experiencing. In some cases, the verb can be a combination of words.

1. "visit" is the verb in the sentence "Each year about ten million people visit Niagara Falls." Here, the action of visiting is being performed by the subject "people."

2. "operate" is the verb in the sentence "Many industries also operate close by." Here, the action of operating is being performed by the subject "industries."

3. "ruin" is the verb in the sentence "To them, businesses ruin the area's scenic beauty." Here, the action of ruining is being performed by the subject "businesses."

4. "spans" is the verb in the sentence "Rainbow Bridge spans the gorge below Niagara Falls." Here, the action of spanning is being performed by the subject "Rainbow Bridge."

In these sentences, there are no predicate nouns or predicate adjectives. A predicate noun is a noun that follows a linking verb and renames or identifies the subject, while a predicate adjective is an adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject.