Are my answers correct? I had the most trouble with the accents in part II. Thank you.

Part I Llene los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en la forma del presente progresivo utilizando el verbo ESTAR con el gerundio.

1. Sé que vosotras no _____ ___________ (invitar) a Elisa, ¿no? Ella es muy mandona
está invitando

2. Uds. _____ __________ (venir) temprano porque necesito mucha ayuda.
están viniendo

3. Nosotros _____ __________ (seguir) la ruta correcta, ¿verdad?
estamos siguiendo

Part II Modify the following sentences by attaching the pronoun to the gerund. ¡OJO! Los acentos son importantes.

Ejemplo: La profesora se está repitiendo. → La profesora está repitiéndose.

1. Yo me estoy acostando.

Yo estoy acostándome.

2. Nos estamos concentrando en el problema.

Estamos concentrándose en el problema

3. Ellos la están comiendo.

Ellos etán comiéndola.

Part III ¿SER o ESTAR? Completa cada oración con la forma correcta de SER o ESTAR.

1. ¿Dónde _____ tú? No te veo inguna parte.

2. Mi suegro _____ de Sonora, México.

3. ¡Ssshhh! Nuestras hijas _____ durmiendo en la cuna.

4. Yo nunca _____ aburrida cuando hago las lecciones. Me interesan mucho.

5. Si Tomás _____ alegre hoy, es porque no tiene que tomar el examen.

6. Mi esposo y yo _____ profesores de literatura en la universidad.

7. Mis padres piensan que yo no _____ muy responsable.

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGinn.

Part I

1. the subject is vosotras so you need the form of estar that goes with that subject = estáis invitando
2. & 3. both correct
Part II
1. correct
2. since the subject is nosotros, the pronoun must match = Estamos concentrándonos...
3. correct etán to están
Part III
1. & 2 = correct
3. cuna or cuña?
4. , 5., 6. = perfect
7. the subject is not "mis padres" but "yo" = soy


Here are the corrections for Part II:

1. Yo me estoy acostando.
Correct: Yo estoy acostándome.

2. Nos estamos concentrando en el problema.
Correct: Nos estamos concentrando en el problema.

3. Ellos la están comiendo.
Correct: Ellos la están comiendo.

All the other answers in Part I and Part III are correct. Well done!

Part I:

1. The correct answer is "están invitando." To form the present progressive tense in Spanish, you need to conjugate the verb "estar" (to be) in the present tense and add the gerund form of the main verb. In this case, the subject is "vosotras," so you need to use the second-person plural form of "estar," which is "estáis" or "están" depending on the region. Since the gerund of "invitar" is "invitando," you combine the two to get "están invitando."

2. The correct answer is "están viniendo." Following the same logic as in the previous sentence, you need to conjugate "estar" in the second-person plural form and add the gerund form of "venir," which is "viniendo." The correct conjugation of "estar" in this case is "están."

3. The correct answer is "estamos siguiendo." Again, you need to use the first-person plural form of "estar," which is "estamos," and combine it with the gerund form of "seguir," which is "siguiendo."

Part II:

1. The correct answer is "me estoy acostando." To attach the pronoun "me" to the gerund "acostando," you simply add it in front of the gerund. Since "acostando" is stressed on the second-to-last syllable, no accent mark is needed.

2. The correct answer is "nos estamos concentrando en el problema." Similarly, you add the pronoun "nos" before the gerund "concentrando." In this case, "concentrando" is also stressed on the second-to-last syllable, so no accent mark is necessary.

3. The correct answer is "Ellos la están comiendo." In this sentence, you need to attach the pronoun "la" to the gerund "comiendo." However, since "comiendo" is stressed on the last syllable, you need to add an accent mark to maintain the correct accentuation.

Part III:

1. The correct answer is "estás." In this sentence, you need to use the second-person singular form of "estar" because the subject is "tú." The correct conjugation is "estás."

2. The correct answer is "es." In this sentence, you need to use the third-person singular form of "ser" because the subject is "mi suegro." The correct conjugation is "es."

3. The correct answer is "están." The subject is "nuestras hijas," which is plural, so you need to use the third-person plural form of "estar," which is "están."

4. The correct answer is "estoy." The subject is "yo," so you need to use the first-person singular form of "estar," which is "estoy."

5. The correct answer is "está." The subject is "Tomás," so you need to use the third-person singular form of "estar," which is "está."

6. The correct answer is "somos." The subject is "mi esposo y yo," which is plural, so you need to use the first-person plural form of "ser," which is "somos."

7. The correct answer is "están." The subject is "mis padres," which is plural, so you need to use the third-person plural form of "estar," which is "están."