how was the south carolina constitution of 1868 different from earlier versions?

Representation was based on population alone.

TRSS is right.

To understand the differences between the South Carolina Constitution of 1868 and earlier versions, we need to compare the key provisions, principles, and historical context. Here's how you can explore this topic:

1. Research the context: The South Carolina Constitution of 1868 was a result of the Reconstruction era, which followed the American Civil War (1861-1865). The southern states, including South Carolina, were required to create new constitutions addressing issues like civil rights, suffrage, and the reintegration of freed slaves.

2. Analyze earlier versions: To identify the differences, you can examine the previous constitutions of South Carolina. In particular, you'll want to focus on important dates such as the 1778 Constitution, the 1790 Constitution, and the 1865 Constitution. Study their contents, provisions, and the political environment under which they were drafted.

3. Study the South Carolina Constitution of 1868: Examine the provisions and changes introduced in this constitution. Some notable differences might include:
- Universal male suffrage: The 1868 constitution granted all men, regardless of race or color, the right to vote. Earlier constitutions often limited suffrage to white men with property.
- Civil rights protections: The 1868 constitution aimed to provide constitutional protections for civil rights, including equal protection under the law, freedom of speech, and the right to a fair trial. These rights were not as explicitly stated or enforced in earlier versions.
- Public education: The 1868 constitution established a statewide public education system, including provisions for funding and governance. Earlier constitutions did not emphasize public education to the same extent.

4. Explore the impact: Investigate the historical consequences and effects of the South Carolina Constitution of 1868. Consider how it affected social, political, and racial dynamics in the state during the Reconstruction era.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will gain a better understanding of how the South Carolina Constitution of 1868 differed from earlier versions. Remember to consult credible sources such as historical archives, scholarly articles, and books to ensure accuracy and depth of information.

Lesson 3 Unit 3