The absorbance values At & A0 recorded in the experiment 'Rate Law Determination of the Crystal Violet Reaction' are used in the place of the concentration values of which species?

A. –OH
C. CV+
D. Na+
E. H2O

I'm pretty sure this is CV+ right?

I don't know the experiment. So I can't comment since I don't know exactly what you did.

CV+ is right

confirmed CV+ summer 2k16

To determine which species' concentration values are being replaced by the absorbance values At and A0, we need to understand the experiment "Rate Law Determination of the Crystal Violet Reaction."

In this experiment, the rate law of the Crystal Violet reaction is determined. Crystal Violet (CV+) is a dye that undergoes a chemical reaction in which it is converted to another species. The rate of this reaction can be measured by monitoring the change in absorbance of the solution over time.

Absorbance is a quantitative measure of the amount of light absorbed by a solution, and it is directly related to the concentration of the species absorbing the light. In this experiment, the absorbance values At and A0 are used to indirectly measure the concentration of a particular species.

In the context of this experiment, the absorbance values At and A0 are used to determine the concentration of Crystal Violet (CV+), which is the species undergoing the reaction. Therefore, the correct answer is C. CV+.