sqrt 2a = 2

A: a=6
b. a=4
c. a=2
d. no solution
is it c ?

Yes, it should be C because you're squaring both sides and solving for a.

thank you :)

To solve the equation √(2a) = 2, we need to isolate the variable 'a' on one side of the equation.

Here's how to find the answer step-by-step:

1. Square both sides of the equation to eliminate the square root: (√(2a))^2 = 2^2
This simplifies to 2a = 4.

2. Divide both sides of the equation by 2 to isolate the variable 'a': (2a)/2 = 4/2
This simplifies to a = 2.

Therefore, the answer is c) a = 2.

You correctly chose c as the answer. Well done!