1. Mackenzie spent a lot of time on her project for Columbus Day. On Monday she worked for 2 hours and 33 minutes on making a poster. On Tuesday she worked for 1 hour and 28 minutes drawing a picture of Columbus. On Wednesday she spent two hours building a model of a Taino village. On Thursday she worked another 2 hours and 25 minutes putting everything together. How long did she work in all? Remember you have to convert minutes to hours.

She worked 8 hrs 26 min


To find out how long Mackenzie worked in total, we need to add up the time she spent on each day.

First, let's convert the minutes to hours.

On Monday, Mackenzie worked for 2 hours and 33 minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we can convert the minutes to hours by dividing by 60.
2 hours and 33 minutes is equal to 2 + (33/60) hours, which is approximately 2.55 hours.

On Tuesday, she worked for 1 hour and 28 minutes. Converting the minutes to hours, we get 1 + (28/60) hours, which is approximately 1.47 hours.

On Wednesday, she spent 2 hours building a model of a Taino village. So, no need to convert the time here. It's already in hours.

On Thursday, she worked another 2 hours and 25 minutes. Converting the minutes to hours, we get 2 + (25/60) hours, which is approximately 2.42 hours.

Now, let's add up all the hours worked.

2.55 hours (from Monday) + 1.47 hours (from Tuesday) + 2 hours (from Wednesday) + 2.42 hours (from Thursday) = 8.44 hours.

Therefore, Mackenzie worked for approximately 8 hours and 26 minutes in total.