5. Which evidence would best support the claim that prayer in school should be allowed?

@This is a holistic problem answered by studying various aspects of chapter 2. (Points : 1)

According to literature on violence in television, the average 18 year old will have seen how many violent acts? (Points : 1)


To find evidence that supports the claim that prayer in school should be allowed, we need to conduct thorough research and study various aspects related to the topic. Here's how you can approach this question:

1. Start by gathering information: Begin by researching the history, legal precedents, and existing policies regarding prayer in schools. Understand the different perspectives and arguments put forth by proponents and opponents of prayer in schools.

2. Review court cases: Look for court cases that have dealt with the issue of prayer in schools, such as Engel v. Vitale (1962) or Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe (2000). Examine the rulings and opinions of judges to gain insights into the legal aspects.

3. Consider the First Amendment: The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of religion and the separation of church and state. Take into account the interpretations and debates surrounding this amendment in relation to prayer in schools.

4. Examine studies and surveys: Look for research studies and surveys that explore the impact of prayer in schools on students, academic achievements, and overall well-being. Analyze the methodology and conclusions of these studies to support your claim.

5. Analyze existing policies: Investigate the policies in place in different school districts or countries regarding prayer in schools. Compare and contrast the outcomes of these policies to determine their effectiveness.

6. Consider personal anecdotes and testimonies: Seek out personal anecdotes or testimonies from individuals who have experienced or witnessed the positive effects of prayer in schools. These accounts can add a human element to your argument.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will be able to find evidence that best supports the claim that prayer in school should be allowed. Remember to critically evaluate your sources and consider multiple perspectives on the topic.