On a shopping trip to a local department store, Josephine purchases a shirt for $20.00, a pair of jeans for $35.00, and a pair of sneakers for $50.00. At the register, she redeems a coupon for 30% off her entire bill. With the discount, how much does she pay in total?

0.7(20 + 35 + 50) = _______

I got 52.5? But the choices I have are $73.50,75.00,104.70,or 105.00

How did you get 52.5?

Did you add the three purchases?

Did you multiply the total by 0.7?

I have now noticed my error. Thank you!

You're welcome.

To calculate how much Josephine pays in total with the discount, we first need to calculate the total amount she spent before the discount.

The total amount Josephine spent before the discount can be calculated by adding the prices of the shirt, jeans, and sneakers together:

Total amount = $20.00 (shirt) + $35.00 (jeans) + $50.00 (sneakers)
Total amount = $105.00

Next, we need to calculate the amount of the discount.

The coupon offers a 30% discount on the entire bill. To find out how much the discount is, we calculate 30% of the total amount Josephine spent before the discount:

Discount = 30% of $105.00
Discount = 0.30 * $105.00
Discount = $31.50

Now, we can find the final amount Josephine pays by subtracting the discount from the total amount:

Final amount = Total amount - Discount
Final amount = $105.00 - $31.50
Final amount = $73.50

Therefore, Josephine pays a total of $73.50 after applying the 30% discount.