I know it is a bit long and maybe difficult, please help me to answer these..

1) I have pET28a with insert inside. Insert is 400 bp in size. I want to check my insert with both single digestion and double digestion. I already isolated my plasmid but i do not know the next step. Please explain experimental set up for me in detail. How should I prepare my restriction digestion samples. How about agarose gel concentration and why that concentration? How will I compare my results, with what? And What am i gonna see on agarose gel? Is there anything that i should know about reagents or steps of the procedure? You know I have no idea about restrction enzyme digestion and you are my assistants, please explain me.
(you do not have to give specific names for restriction enzymes but you have to state all necessary assumptions. Ex: from where those enzymes cut your vector, especially for double digestion?)

2) Optimal time and temperature for digestion for each enzyme differs from each other. What are the criterias to determine optimal incubation temperature and time course for restriction enzymes?

3) I have empty pGEM-t cloning vector and i want to clone a gene inside this vector. Double digestion is necessary. Choose suitable restriction enzyme couple (it is up to you), find a web site to check whether those two can be used together and whether they are suitable with my vector. And find suitable buffer , duration and temperature for those two on web site. I want you to take step by step screenshot from web site and show the answers on pictures.

1) To prepare your restriction digestion samples, you will need the following materials:

- pET28a plasmid with insert (400 bp)
- Appropriate restriction enzymes and their corresponding buffers
- Nuclease-free water
- 10X loading buffer
- DNA ladder or marker
- Agarose gel and electrophoresis equipment
- Ethidium bromide (for staining)

Here's a step-by-step explanation of the experimental setup:

a) Determine the appropriate restriction enzymes:
- Start by examining the sequence of your pET28a plasmid and the desired insert.
- Identify the regions where your chosen restriction enzymes will cut the plasmid and the insert by analyzing their recognition sites.
- Make sure to choose enzymes that won't interfere with each other's recognition sites and also cut your vector.

b) Prepare the restriction digestion mixtures:
- Following the guidelines provided by the enzyme manufacturer, determine the appropriate enzyme concentrations and buffers for digestion.
- In individual microcentrifuge tubes, set up a reaction mixture containing the following components:
- pET28a plasmid DNA
- Appropriate restriction enzyme(s)
- Restriction enzyme buffer(s)
- Nuclease-free water to adjust the final volume
- Prepare separate reaction mixtures for single digestion (using only one enzyme) and double digestion (using both enzymes together).

c) Optimize the reaction conditions:
- Incubate the reactions at the recommended temperature for each enzyme (typically provided by the manufacturer) and for the recommended amount of time (usually 1-2 hours).

d) Prepare and run the agarose gel:
- Determine the appropriate concentration of agarose gel based on the expected size of the digest fragments. For a 400 bp insert, a 1-2% agarose gel should be suitable.
- Prepare the gel by dissolving the appropriate amount of agarose in a buffer, heating, and pouring into a gel tray with a comb.
- Once the gel solidifies, carefully remove the comb and place the gel into the gel tank filled with electrophoresis buffer.
- Load the digested DNA samples (including a DNA ladder or marker for size comparison) into wells using a micropipette.
- Apply an electric field to the gel and run the electrophoresis for the appropriate time, usually until the DNA fragments have migrated to distinguishable bands.

e) Visualize and analyze the gel:
- Stain the gel with ethidium bromide for a short period, then rinse with water to remove excess dye.
- Visualize the DNA bands under ultraviolet light using a gel documentation system or a transilluminator.
- Compare the sizes of the DNA fragments in your samples with the expected sizes based on the position of the DNA ladder or marker.
- The gel should show distinct bands corresponding to the digested vector and insert fragments, allowing you to confirm successful digestion.

Remember to refer to the enzyme manufacturers' instructions for specific details on buffer usage, optimal temperature, and incubation time. Additionally, take appropriate precautions when working with DNA and adhere to good laboratory practices.

2) The optimal time and temperature for restriction enzyme digestion can vary for different enzymes and experimental conditions. However, some general criteria to consider for determining the optimal incubation temperature and time course are as follows:

a) Recommended temperature:
- Consult the manufacturer's instructions for the specific temperature range recommended for each enzyme.
- Generally, restriction enzymes work well at temperatures ranging from 37 to 65 degrees Celsius. However, some enzymes may require higher or lower temperatures for optimal activity.
- Factors such as enzyme stability and specific activity can influence the recommended temperature.

b) Reaction time:
- The digestion time depends on the specific enzyme, buffer composition, and desired degree of digestion.
- Start with the manufacturer's recommended incubation time as a baseline and then optimize based on the desired level of digestion.
- Common digestion times range from 1 to 2 hours, but shorter or longer incubation times may be necessary for certain enzymes.

c) Monitoring digestion:
- Periodically check the progress of digestion by taking small aliquots from the reaction and analyzing them on an agarose gel.
- Observe the appearance of distinct DNA bands indicating digestion.
- Adjust the incubation time accordingly if digestion appears incomplete or over-digested.

It is important to note that these are general guidelines, and for detailed information, it is always recommended to consult the manufacturer's instructions and literature specific to the restriction enzyme being used.

3) To find suitable restriction enzymes and their compatibility with your pGEM-t cloning vector, you can utilize online resources such as NEBcutter V2.0 (https://nc2.neb.com/NEBcutter2/index.php) provided by New England Biolabs or another similar site.

Here are the steps to find suitable restriction enzymes and buffer conditions:

a) Visit the NEBcutter V2.0 website or a similar tool of your choice.

b) Input the sequence of the pGEM-t cloning vector into the provided sequence box.

c) Select the appropriate organism for the plasmid origin, and if necessary, specify the circular or linear structure of your vector.

d) After submitting the information, the tool will generate a list of restriction enzymes that can potentially cut your vector.

e) Look for compatible enzyme pairs that can perform double digestion and analyze their recognition sites on the vector. It is often indicated with arrows on the resulting graphical representation.

f) Take note of the compatible enzyme names and proceed to find the suitable buffer, duration, and temperature for those enzymes.

g) Visit the manufacturer's website or consult the enzyme's product specifications to find the optimal buffer and recommended incubation temperature and time for each enzyme.

Please note that the specific steps and interface of the online tool may vary, but the overall process should be similar.

1) Experimental set up for restriction digestion:

To prepare your restriction digestion samples, you will need the following materials and reagents:

- pET28a plasmid with insert
- Restriction enzymes (one for single digestion and two for double digestion)
- Appropriate restriction enzyme buffers
- Nuclease-free water
- DNA ladder
- Agarose gel
- Gel loading dye

Experimental procedure:
1. Determine the appropriate restriction enzymes for your single and double digestion. Assumptions can be made that the restriction sites for the single digestion enzyme are not present within the insert, while the double digestion enzymes have compatible sites within the insert and vector. This information can be obtained by checking the plasmid map or by using bioinformatics tools.

2. Prepare your restriction digestion reaction mixtures for both single and double digestion according to the enzyme's specifications. The general steps include:
a. Calculate the amount of plasmid and restriction enzymes needed based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
b. Combine the appropriate volumes of plasmid DNA, restriction enzyme(s), restriction enzyme buffer(s), and nuclease-free water in separate tubes.
c. Mix the reaction components gently and briefly centrifuge the tubes.

3. Incubate the single and double digestion reactions at the appropriate temperature and time, which can be determined based on the criteria discussed in question 2.

4. While the incubation is in progress, prepare your agarose gel. The agarose gel concentration can vary depending on the expected size range of DNA fragments. For small DNA fragments (like your 400 bp insert), a 1-2% agarose gel would be appropriate. Larger DNA fragments require lower agarose concentrations.

5. Once the digestion reactions are complete, run the digested samples and a DNA ladder on the agarose gel. Load the samples carefully by mixing them with gel loading dye for easy visualization during electrophoresis.

6. Run the gel at an appropriate voltage and for a suitable duration to separate the DNA fragments based on their sizes.

7. After electrophoresis, visualize the separated DNA fragments on the agarose gel using an appropriate method (e.g., ethidium bromide staining, gel imaging system). Compare the band patterns obtained from the single and double digestion samples with each other and the DNA ladder.

Please note that specific reagents, temperatures, and incubation times will vary depending on the restriction enzymes you choose. The exact procedure and recommended conditions can be found in the enzyme manufacturer's instructions.

2) Criteria for determining optimal incubation temperature and time course for restriction enzymes:

The following criteria can help determine the optimal incubation temperature and time for restriction enzyme digestion:

1. Optimal temperature: Each restriction enzyme has an optimal temperature range for activity, which is typically provided by the manufacturer. Operating within this temperature range ensures the highest enzyme efficiency. The optimal temperature is usually around 37°C for most commonly used restriction enzymes. However, some enzymes may require higher or lower temperatures for optimal activity.

2. Enzyme stability: Consider the stability of the restriction enzyme at different temperatures. High temperatures can sometimes negatively affect enzyme stability, leading to reduced activity or denaturation. On the other hand, very low temperatures may slow down the enzymatic reaction.

3. Reaction time: The recommended time for restriction enzyme digestion is usually provided by the manufacturer. It is typically around 1-2 hours but can vary depending on the enzyme and its specific activity. Longer incubation times may not necessarily lead to improved digestion efficiency and can increase the risk of non-specific DNA degradation.

4. Consideration of the DNA template: Fragile or delicate DNA templates may require shorter incubation times or milder digestion conditions to prevent DNA damage or degradation.

It is important to refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the specific enzyme you are using to ensure optimal digestion conditions.

3) Suitable restriction enzyme couple, website search, and step-by-step screenshots:

Let's assume we want to use the restriction enzymes EcoRI and XhoI as a suitable couple for double digestion. To check if these enzymes can be used together and if they are suitable for your vector, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to a reputable molecular biology reagent supplier website (e.g., NEB, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Takara Bio, etc.).

Step 2: In the search bar, enter the names of the restriction enzymes (EcoRI and XhoI) followed by "double digestion compatibility."

Step 3: Look for a link or resource that provides information on compatible enzyme pairs for double digestion.

Step 4: Once found, click on the link or resource to access the information.

Step 5: Take step-by-step screenshots of the information provided, including details on the compatibility of EcoRI and XhoI for double digestion and their suitability for vector digestion.

Step 6: Additionally, search for the suitable buffer, duration, and temperature for the chosen restriction enzyme couple in the same website. Take step-by-step screenshots of this information as well.

Please note that the actual screenshots cannot be provided here as AI text-based responses do not support image uploads.