
I just have a question about a confusing question to me in a poem that I have to answer... The poem is Annabel Lee.

Here's the question they are asking:

What was the effect of the repeated rhymes?

I can't find an answer to the question?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Repetition can be used to emphasize something, like a "refrain" or to give rhythm and shape to a poem.


In long poems, such as epics especially, the rhythm, rhyme, and repetition help the bard (sometimes known as a "singer") remember all the words. Remember that poetry is usually meant to be read or spoken or sung aloud -- not simply to be read silently.


The question you're asking about the effect of the repeated rhymes in the poem "Annabel Lee" can be answered by looking closely at the poem itself. "Annabel Lee" is written by Edgar Allan Poe and is known for its distinctive rhyming pattern.

To find the answer to the question, you need to carefully consider the impact or the effect that the repeated rhymes have on the overall reading experience and the meaning of the poem. Here are a few steps you can take to analyze the effect of the repeated rhymes:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem "Annabel Lee" and paying attention to the lines that rhyme. Note down the specific words or sounds that repeat throughout the poem.

2. Identify the rhyming pattern: Determine the specific rhyme scheme used in the poem. In "Annabel Lee," Poe uses the rhyming pattern of AABB, which means that the first and second lines rhyme, and the third and fourth lines rhyme.

3. Look for patterns in meaning: Consider how the repeated rhymes contribute to the overall meaning or message of the poem. Do the rhymes emphasize certain emotions or ideas? Do they create a sense of rhythm or musicality?

4. Analyze the mood and tone: Pay attention to the emotions conveyed through the repeated rhymes. Do they enhance the melancholic or nostalgic tone of the poem? Do they create a sense of harmony or discordance?

5. Consider the impact on the reader: Reflect on how the repeated rhymes affect your reading experience and engagement with the poem. Do they create a memorable or musical quality? Do they enhance the flow of the poem or make it more enjoyable to read aloud?

By following these steps and analyzing the poem, you should be able to come up with a thoughtful response to the question about the effect of the repeated rhymes in "Annabel Lee." Remember to support your answer with evidence from the poem itself to strengthen your argument.