1.Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count to find the total number of them.

2.Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc., and describe the whole as two halves, three thirds, four fourths. Recognize that equal shares of identical wholes need not have the same shape

What don't you understand about this assignment?

i want to explain about this to my kid

~I am a rectangle made up of 28 same size squares. I have 4 columns. How many rows must I have? Prove your answer with a drawing. How many squares do I have?
~I am a rectangle made up of 24 same size squares. I have 6 rows. How many columns must I have? Prove your answer with a drawing. How many squares do I have?
~I am a rectangle made up of 30 same size squares. How many rows and columns might I have? Show all possible answers through proof drawings.
~Partition a rectangle into 4 rows, 5 columns (Draw what those rows and columns would look like in a given rectangle.)
~Can you partition a rectangle so that you have 7 squares? If so draw the rectangle and tell how many rows and columns you partitioned the rectangle into. If not why do you think you couldn’t get 7 squares?

~They need to know that they can divide shapes into equal pieces and use special words like halves, thirds, etc. to name those shapes. They need to know how to draw lines on a shape to show how to divide into these pieces. They also need to know that the pieces need to be equal.
~Use their knowledge of fractions to solve word problems: Mr. Olbertz is planting 14 roses in his garden. He wants half of them to be yellow and half of them to be red. How many roses will be yellow? How many roses will be red? OR Melissa plans to share an extra large pizza with her 3 friends – Angela, Darlene, and Beatrice. The pizza has 12 slices. Melissa said each person should get one-fourth of the pizza. Angela said each girl should get one-third of the pizza. Who is correct? How do you know? How many slices of pizza will each girl get? Use pictures, words, and fractions to show your work and solve.

and also where can i get these type of questions

~I am a rectangle made up of 28 same size squares. I have 4 columns. How many rows must I have? Prove your answer with a drawing. How many squares do I have?

28/4 = ?

1. To partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares, you need to determine the size of the square that will be used. Let's say we have a rectangle that has a length of L units and a width of W units.

To find the size of the squares, you can either start with a specific size in mind or choose a divisor of the length and width that will result in the same size squares. For example, if L=12 units and W=8 units, you could use squares with a side length of 4 units, which is a common divisor of both dimensions.

To count the total number of squares, you would then divide the length and width of the rectangle by the size of the squares. In this case, dividing 12 units by 4 units gives you 3, and dividing 8 units by 4 units also gives you 2. Therefore, you would have a total of 3 rows and 2 columns of squares, resulting in 6 squares in total.

2. To partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares, you first need to determine the number of shares you want to create. Let's consider dividing a circle into two equal shares and a rectangle into three equal shares.

For a circle, you can use a compass to create two equal arcs that intersect at the center of the circle. These arcs will divide the circle into two equal shares, and you can describe each share as a "half" of the circle. The whole circle can then be described as "two halves."

For a rectangle, you can draw two equally spaced lines parallel to one side of the rectangle, dividing it into three equal shares. Each share can be described as a "third" of the rectangle. The whole rectangle can be described as "three thirds."

It's important to note that when dividing equal shares of identical wholes, the shares need not have the same shape. For example, when dividing a rectangle into two equal shares, one share could be a square and the other could be a rectangle.

By using these methods, you can partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares and describe them using the appropriate fractional terms.