One month Ivanna rented 5 movies and 3 video games for a total of $29. The next month she rented 2 movies and 12 video games for a total of $71. Find the rental cost for each movie and each video game.

Rental cost for each movie?
Rental cost for each video?

5m+3v = 29

2m+12v = 71


20m+12v = 116
2m+12v = 71

18m = 45
m = 2.50
v = 5.50

To find the rental cost for each movie and each video game, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's assume the rental cost for each movie is x dollars, and the rental cost for each video game is y dollars.

From the first month's rental, we know that Ivanna rented 5 movies and 3 video games for a total of $29. Therefore, we can write the equation:

5x + 3y = 29

From the second month's rental, we know that Ivanna rented 2 movies and 12 video games for a total of $71. Therefore, we can write the equation:

2x + 12y = 71

Now, we have a system of equations:

5x + 3y = 29
2x + 12y = 71

To solve this system, we can use the method of substitution or elimination.

Let's use the method of substitution. Rearrange the first equation for x:

5x = 29 - 3y
x = (29 - 3y) / 5

Now substitute this expression for x in the second equation:

2((29 - 3y) / 5) + 12y = 71


(58 - 6y)/5 + 12y = 71

Multiply through by 5 to get rid of the fraction:

58 - 6y + 60y = 355

Combine like terms:

54y = 297

Divide both sides by 54:

y = 297/54

y = 5.5

Now substitute this value of y back into the first equation to find x:

5x + 3(5.5) = 29

5x + 16.5 = 29

5x = 29 - 16.5

5x = 12.5

x = 12.5 / 5

x = 2.5

So, the rental cost for each movie is $2.5, and the rental cost for each video game is $5.5.