Rewrite the equation y - 37x = 82 as a function of x.

I got f(x)= -37x +82 is that right?

sign error

add 37 x to both sides

f(x) = 37 x + 82

nope. You had to add 37x to both sides, so it should be

y = 37x + 82

To rewrite the equation y - 37x = 82 as a function of x, we need to isolate the y variable. Let's do that step by step:

Start with the given equation:
y - 37x = 82

1. Add 37x to both sides of the equation to get rid of the -37x on the left side:
y - 37x + 37x = 82 + 37x

This simplifies to:
y = 37x + 82

So, the correct function of x is f(x) = 37x + 82.

Your original answer f(x) = -37x + 82 is incorrect because you mistakenly gave the negative sign to the coefficient of x.