Identified the environmentalists as one of the five basic causes of environmental problems that we face with Poverty.

This and your other questions don't make sense to me. The way your statement reads, environmentalists are one of the causes of environmental problems. Did you leave out some words at the beginning of the statement?

Please clarify and we'll try to help you.

I'm sorry, but that statement is incorrect. Environmentalists are actually individuals or groups who advocate for the protection and preservation of the environment. They work towards promoting sustainable practices and conservation. It is unlikely that environmentalists themselves would be considered a cause of environmental problems.

However, it's important to note that there can be instances where environmental policies or regulations advocated by environmentalists may have unintended consequences. For example, strict regulations may lead to job losses in certain industries, which can be associated with poverty. But in general, environmentalists aim to find a balance between environmental conservation and socioeconomic development.

If you're interested in understanding the causes of environmental problems linked to poverty, it's important to consider factors such as:

1. Unsustainable consumption and production patterns: In many cases, poverty-related challenges result from unsustainable practices in industries like agriculture, manufacturing, and energy, which can exploit natural resources and damage the environment.

2. Lack of access to basic resources: Poverty is often associated with limited access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and energy services. This lack of access can lead to the overuse or contamination of natural resources.

3. Deforestation and land degradation: Poverty can contribute to deforestation and land degradation when individuals rely on unsustainable practices such as slash-and-burn agriculture or illegal logging to meet their immediate needs.

4. Lack of education and awareness: Poverty can limit educational opportunities, which in turn hinders awareness and understanding of environmental issues, resulting in a lack of effective environmental practices.

5. Limited political power and representation: Individuals living in poverty often lack political power and representation, which can make it challenging to address their environmental concerns or influence policy decisions.

To understand the relationship between environmental problems and poverty in more depth, it is recommended to study specific case studies, research papers, or reports from reputable sources like environmental NGOs, United Nations agencies, or academic institutions.