1) The major problem with the Articles of Confederation was that it _____.

a.was too similar to the British system, giving one leader too much power

b.it gave the states too much power

c.it did not give the states enough power

d.it did not establish a system that allowed for a legislative branch of government

2) By 1787 all state constitutions
a.established an official church.

b.expanded suffrage to include free African Americans.

c.created a limited government.

d.gave voting rights to free African Americans and white women.

3) The Northwest Ordinance did all of the following, except _______________________.
a.establish a government North and West of the Ohio River

b.create a system of surveying and dividing property

c.create the Northwest Territory

d.establish how to bring new states into the union

4)The Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were

a.based on ideas found in the Declaration of Independence.

b.self-government documents written by Americans before the Revolution.

c.inspired by the confederated government of the Iroquois League.

d.examples of representative government designed by Britain for its colonies.

5) The _________________________ created a system of surveying and dividing public territory.
a.Northwest Ordinance of 1787

b.Land Ordinance of 1785

c.Articles of Confederation

d.Northwest Territory

6) The Articles of Confederation
a.went into effect when nine states ratified the document.

b.were ratified by every state except Rhode Island.

c.created a central government with limited powers and no president.

d.created a strong central government with two congressional delegates from each state.

7) American models for representative government included
a.The Spirit of Laws and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.

b.the New England town meeting and the Virginia House of Burgesses.

c.the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the Great Awakening.

d.the Declaration of Independence and the Treaty of Paris of 1783.

My Answers

1) d
2) c
3) d
4) b
5) land ordinance of 1785
6) not sure
7) c

I change 1 to B, thanks.

I also think 6 is B

I really need someone to check my answers, thanks!

the answer for number three it B, because A ,C and D are all correct.

1) The major problem with the Articles of Confederation was that it _____. The correct answer is (b) it gave the states too much power. To arrive at this answer, we need to examine the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. It created a weak central government that had limited powers and struggled to enforce laws. The states were given significant authority and autonomy, which resulted in a lack of unity and coordination among the states. This lack of a strong central authority and a unified country made it difficult to address issues such as trade disputes, interstate conflicts, and the inability to raise a national army. Overall, the Articles of Confederation lacked the necessary power and structure to effectively govern the newly independent United States.

2) By 1787 all state constitutions. The correct answer is (c) created a limited government. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the characteristics of state constitutions during this period. After the American Revolution, each state had to draft its own constitution to establish a framework for governance. These state constitutions aimed to limit the power of the government and protect individual rights, drawing inspiration from Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke. They established a system of checks and balances, separation of powers, and protected individual liberties. However, only some state constitutions expanded suffrage to include free African Americans, and none of them gave voting rights to free African Americans and white women at that time.

3) The Northwest Ordinance did all the following, except _______________________. The correct answer is (a) establish a government North and West of the Ohio River. To arrive at this answer, we need to look at the purpose and provisions of the Northwest Ordinance. The Northwest Ordinance was enacted in 1787 and played a crucial role in the organization and expansion of the territories in the Northwest Territory. It created a system for the orderly settlement and development of the region. The ordinance established a process for admitting new states to the Union and guaranteed certain rights and freedoms for settlers in the territory. It also prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory. However, it did not establish a government directly, but it provided a framework for the creation of future territorial governments.

4) The Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were. The correct answer is (b) self-government documents written by Americans before the Revolution. To arrive at this answer, we need to analyze the characteristics and historical context of these documents. The Mayflower Compact was signed by the Pilgrims in 1620 before landing at Plymouth in Massachusetts. It established a self-governing agreement among the passengers of the Mayflower, creating a system of government based on majority rule. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, adopted in 1639, were also self-government documents written by the colonists of Connecticut. They established a representative government that allowed for popular participation and established the principle of limited government. Both of these documents were important precursors to the establishment of more formal systems of self-government in the American colonies.

5) The _________________________ created a system of surveying and dividing public territory. The correct answer is (b) Land Ordinance of 1785. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the purpose and provisions of the Land Ordinance of 1785. This legislation was passed by the Continental Congress to establish a method for surveying, dividing, and selling the western lands acquired from Britain after the American Revolution. The ordinance established a grid system for surveying the land into townships, each containing 36 sections, with one section set aside for public education. This systematic approach to the settlement and distribution of land laid the foundation for westward expansion and future land policies in the United States.

6) The Articles of Confederation. The correct answer is (a) went into effect when nine states ratified the document. To arrive at this answer, we need to know the historical context and process of ratification for the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation were the first written constitution of the United States, drafted in 1777 and ratified in 1781. However, they required the approval of all thirteen states to go into effect. Despite the weaknesses and challenges of the Articles, they were eventually ratified by all thirteen states by 1781.

7) American models for representative government included. The correct answer is (b) the New England town meeting and the Virginia House of Burgesses. To arrive at this answer, we need to identify some examples of early American government models. The New England town meeting was a form of direct democracy where local residents would gather to discuss and vote on matters that affected their communities. This type of direct participation in governance was prevalent in the New England colonies and served as a model for self-government. The Virginia House of Burgesses was the representative assembly in the Virginia colony, established in 1619. It was the first elected legislative body in colonial America and provided a forum for colonists to voice their concerns and participate in decision-making. Both of these examples played a significant role in the development of representative government in the American colonies.