what year is the book, "Day of the Butterfly" by Alice Munro set in?

pls help asap!
thanx in advance



To find out the year in which the book "Day of the Butterfly" by Alice Munro is set, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the book title online. You can use search engines like Google or websites specializing in books such as Goodreads or Amazon.

2. Look for reliable sources that provide information about the book's setting or plot. These sources may include book reviews, author interviews, or official book summaries. Keep in mind that it's important to use reputable sources to ensure the accuracy of the information.

3. Read through the provided information to find details about the time period or specific year in which the story takes place. This can usually be found in the book's synopsis or description.

4. It's worth noting that "Day of the Butterfly" is a short story written by Alice Munro, not a book. It was initially published in Munro's collection of short stories titled "Dance of the Happy Shades" in 1968. Therefore, the story's setting would be mentioned within the context of the short story itself or the collection as a whole.

By following these steps and researching the specific details about the story, you should be able to find the year in which "Day of the Butterfly" is set.