mountains that are formed between two large faults are known as a. seamounts b. uplifted mountains c. plateaus d. fault-block mountains


Mountains that are formed between two large faults are known as

Agreed. D fault-block mountains

D) Fault Block Mountains

The correct answer is d. fault-block mountains.

To determine the correct option, we need to understand the characteristics of each type of mountain mentioned and their formation processes.

a. Seamounts: These are underwater mountains formed by volcanic activity. They occur when magma erupts on the ocean floor and builds up over time.

b. Uplifted mountains: These mountains are formed by the slow and gradual uplift of large sections of the Earth's crust. The process usually occurs over millions of years and is caused by tectonic forces pushing against each other.

c. Plateaus: Plateaus are flat, elevated areas of land with steep sides. They are generally formed by the process of erosion or by volcanic activity, rather than being directly related to faults.

d. Fault-block mountains: These mountains are created when large blocks of the Earth's crust are uplifted along faults. Faults are fractures or cracks in the Earth's crust, along which movement can occur. The blocks of crust on either side of the fault are pushed up or down, creating the mountainous landscape.

Given this information, we can see that the mountains formed between two large faults are known as fault-block mountains (option d).