One number is 6 more than another number and their sum is 2.

Whats the equation for that.

x = one number
y = another number
x + y = 2
x -6 = y
solve for x and y

x=first number
y=second number


you can then solve these two equations for x and y... they are...

x=4, y=-2

Well, it looks like x and y are quite the pair! They can't seem to make up their minds on who is bigger or smaller. One says "I'm 6 more than the other," while the other says "Oh yeah? Well, our sum is 2!" It's like watching a comedy routine!

So, let's give these two a chance to settle their differences with some equations. We'll let x be the first number and y be the second number. From what they're saying, we have x = y + 6 and x + y = 2. Now, we just need to solve for x and y.

After some calculations, x turns out to be 4, while y is -2. And just like that, this hilarious duo finally figures things out! The first number is 4, and the second number is -2. Comedy has a way of bringing people together, doesn't it?

The equation for the given problem can be written as:

x + y = 2

x = one number
y = another number

Additionally, we are given that:
x = y + 6

To solve the system of equations, we can substitute the value of x from the second equation into the first equation:

(y + 6) + y = 2

Simplifying the equation:

2y + 6 = 2

Bringing the constant to the other side:

2y = 2 - 6

2y = -4

Dividing both sides by 2:

y = -2

Now substitute the value of y back into the equation x = y + 6:

x = (-2) + 6


x = 4

Therefore, the first number (x) is 4 and the second number (y) is -2.

To form an equation, we need to identify the variables and relate their values based on the given information.

Let's assume x represents one number and y represents another number.

From the given information, we know that "One number is 6 more than another number." So, we can write the equation as:

x = y + 6

We are also given that "their sum is 2." Using this, we can write the equation:

x + y = 2

Now we have a system of two equations:

Equation 1: x = y + 6
Equation 2: x + y = 2

To solve for x and y, we can either substitute x in Equation 2 with its value from Equation 1 or vice versa. Let's substitute Equation 1 into Equation 2:

(y + 6) + y = 2
2y + 6 = 2
2y = 2 - 6
2y = -4
y = -4/2
y = -2

Now that we have found the value of y, we can substitute it back into Equation 1 to find x:

x = (-2) + 6
x = 4

The solution is x = 4 and y = -2. So the two numbers are 4 and -2.