1. How can disposal of fullness be done on the sleeve head?

with pleats or gathers

Disposal of fullness on a sleeve head can be done in the following steps:

1. Identify the excess fullness on the sleeve head. This can occur due to gathers, ease, or extra fabric.

2. Pinch the excess fabric together and distribute it evenly around the sleeve head. This will help create a more balanced appearance.

3. Baste the excess fabric in place with a hand sewing needle and thread. This temporary stitching will hold the fullness in position for further adjustments.

4. Gradually remove the excess fullness by stitching a line of gathering stitches or small pleats along the basted area. This can be done by hand or using a sewing machine.

5. Adjust the gathers or pleats to fit the sleeve head smoothly. Distribute the fullness evenly across the sleeve head to prevent any lumps or wrinkles.

6. Secure the gathered or pleated fabric by stitching it permanently in place with a regular sewing machine stitch. Remove any basting stitches that were used for temporary holding.

7. Press the sleeve head to help shape it and remove any remaining wrinkles or puckers. Use a pressing cloth and steam, if necessary, to achieve a crisp, smooth finish.

By following these steps, you can effectively dispose of fullness on a sleeve head and achieve a well-fitted sleeve on your garment.

Disposal of fullness on the sleeve head can be done through a process called easing. Easing is a technique used to distribute excess fabric evenly across a seam or a section to prevent gathers or pleats. To ease the fullness on the sleeve head, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by sewing a gathering stitch along the sleeve head seam allowance. A gathering stitch is a long, loose stitch that will help you gather the fabric.

2. Pull the gathering stitches to gather the fabric evenly. This will create small pleats or folds along the sleeve head.

3. Pin the gathered fabric to distribute the fullness evenly. Start by pinning at the center and then work your way out towards the edges. This will ensure that the fullness is distributed in a balanced manner.

4. Once you are satisfied with the distribution of fullness, sew the sleeve head seam using a regular stitch length, making sure to remove the gathering stitches as you sew.

5. After sewing the seam, press the sleeve head to set the stitches and flatten any remaining fullness. Use a pressing ham or sleeve roll to shape the sleeve head as desired.

Note: It is important to remember that the amount of fullness to be disposed of on the sleeve head may vary depending on the pattern and desired fit. Be sure to follow the instructions provided in your sewing pattern or consult a sewing reference for specific guidance.