Anthony went to the store to buy soda. There was a sign that said, "15% off." The soda eas priced at $2.99 How much did the soda cost Anthony? If Anthony paid with a ten dollar bill, how much change did he receive?

10.00 - (0.85 * 2.99) = ?

I got $15.41?

Hmmm! What a store! It gives you more change than you paid.

Please try again -- remembering that the change you receive must be less than $10.00

I am sorry because I am really bad at math!! But after multiplying, I got 254.15, then I subtracted that by 10.00 and I got 244.15 now? Can you please explain to me what I have done wrong? :(

You forgot the decimal point.

0.85 * 2.99 = $2.54

Doesn't that make more sense than over $200 for a bottle of soda?

Subtract the cost of the soda from $10.00 to find the amount of change.

To calculate the cost of the soda after the discount, you need to find 85% of the original price. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal. In this case, 15% is equivalent to 0.15.

Step 2: Multiply the original price by the decimal. $2.99 * 0.15 = $0.44925.

Step 3: Subtract the result from the original price to find the discounted price. $2.99 - $0.44925 = $2.54075.

So, the soda cost Anthony approximately $2.54 after the 15% discount.

To calculate the change Anthony received after paying with a ten dollar bill, you need to subtract the cost of the soda from the amount he paid. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Subtract the cost of the soda from the amount paid. $10 - $2.54 = $7.46.

Therefore, Anthony received $7.46 in change.