When writing a script for a dramatic scene, are the characters listed horizontally or vertically?

Usually vertically.

The thing is that my teacher said that the characters should come out in the order the come in the play, so it seems unclear about how to follow these instructions if I show the characters vertically.

If I have three characters in each column, then how would I follow those instructions?

I have no idea why you're to put these in three columns! Baffles me!!

This is what a cast (dramatis personae) looks like in standard form:


When writing a script for a dramatic scene, the characters are typically listed horizontally. The format used for scriptwriting is called the "screenplay format" or "script format." In this format, the character names are written in uppercase and centered on the page, followed by their dialogue.

To properly format a script for a dramatic scene, you can follow these steps:

1. Use screenwriting software: While you can always use a regular word processor, specialized screenwriting software like Final Draft or Celtx can make the formatting process easier. These tools have built-in template options that automatically format your script for various scenes and dialogue.

2. Start with the character name: Place the character name in uppercase, centered on the page, and leave a blank line above it. For example:


(looking nervous)
I don't know if I can do this.

3. Add the character's dialogue: After the character's name, type their dialogue, starting from the next line. Ensure that the dialogue stays below the character's name and is indented from the left margin.

4. Continue the pattern: Repeat steps 2 and 3 for other characters in the scene. Keep listing the characters horizontally, one after another, each on their own line with their respective dialogue.

Following these steps will help you properly format and list the characters horizontally in a script for a dramatic scene. Remember, consistency in formatting is important for readability and industry standards.