Atticus influencing Scout

can my subtopic be
strict, respect for all people, and actions


As a subpoint, be sure to include Scout's actions that reflect Atticus' influence on her.

ok i'll be informing you as i go along then

what could be a closing sentence?

Closing sentence??? That's one of the last parts you should write? Have you finished your outline and writing the body of the essay??

Yes, your subtopic can be "Atticus influencing Scout through strictness, respect for all people, and actions." Atticus Finch is a central character in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" and plays a pivotal role in shaping his daughter, Scout, through his parenting style and values.

To explore this subtopic, you can examine specific instances in the book where Atticus exhibits strictness, teaches Scout to have respect for all people, and influences her through his actions. Here's how you can approach each aspect:

1. Atticus' strictness:
- Look for scenes in the novel where Atticus sets and enforces rules for Scout's behavior.
- Examine how Atticus's strictness contributes to Scout's growth and development.
- Analyze the impact of Atticus' disciplinary measures on shaping Scout's character and understanding of right and wrong.

2. Atticus teaching Scout respect for all people:
- Highlight moments in the book where Atticus emphasizes the importance of treating everyone with respect and equality.
- Show how Atticus's teachings on fairness and compassion influence Scout's perspective on societal issues, such as racism and prejudice.
- Discuss how Scout's growing understanding of respect for others is portrayed throughout the story.

3. Atticus influencing Scout through his actions:
- Identify key actions that Atticus takes, such as defending Tom Robinson in court or treating Calpurnia with respect and dignity.
- Describe how these actions serve as examples for Scout and shape her moral compass.
- Explore the lasting impact of Atticus's actions on Scout's sense of justice and empathy.

Remember to provide specific examples from the novel to support your analysis. This will help strengthen your argument and provide evidence for how Atticus influences Scout through his strictness, promotion of respect for all people, and demonstration of values through his actions.