Which of the following statements is NOT true about gamete formation in mammals?

a)In the female, the separation of cytoplasm is unequal during meiosis.
b)Only one of the four cells resulting from meiosis goes on to become an oocyte.
c)Only one of the four cells resulting from meiosis goes on to become an egg, which becomes a zygote upon fertilization by a sperm cell.
d)The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.
e)The cytoplasm is diminished during development of sperm, and a flagellum is formed to give sperm locomotion.

D) The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.

The statement that is NOT true about gamete formation in mammals is:

d) The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.

To determine which statement is NOT true about gamete formation in mammals, let's examine each option one by one:

a) In the female, the separation of cytoplasm is unequal during meiosis.
This statement is true. During meiosis in the female, the cytoplasm is unequally divided between the resulting daughter cells, with one cell receiving more cytoplasm than the other.

b) Only one of the four cells resulting from meiosis goes on to become an oocyte.
This statement is true. In female mammals, meiosis results in the formation of four cells called oocytes. However, only one of these four cells will continue to grow and mature into an oocyte ready for fertilization.

c) Only one of the four cells resulting from meiosis goes on to become an egg, which becomes a zygote upon fertilization by a sperm cell.
This statement is true. Out of the four cells resulting from meiosis, only one will become a mature egg (or ovum), which can be fertilized by a sperm cell to form a zygote.

d) The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.
This statement is NOT true. Polar bodies are small non-functional cells that are produced during oogenesis (the development of eggs). They do not possess the necessary cellular components or functionality to participate in fertilization with sperm.

e) The cytoplasm is diminished during development of sperm, and a flagellum is formed to give sperm locomotion.
This statement is true. During spermatogenesis (the development of sperm), the cytoplasm is significantly reduced in order to streamline the sperm's structure. Additionally, a flagellum is formed, which provides sperm with the ability to move and swim towards the egg.

Therefore, the statement that is NOT true about gamete formation in mammals is d) The polar bodies formed during meiosis in the female can participate in fertilization with sperm.