"Did you read his analysis in Sparknotes?

What have you found about him by reading this novel? "

he tries to see the good in everyone and never the bad

he defends Tom Robinson

Atticus practices the ethic of sympathy and understanding that he preaches to Scout and Jem and never holds a grudge against the people of Maycomb

he is a wise parent

He stands rigidly committed to justice and thoughtfully willing to view matters from the perspectives of others.

If I remember your assignment correctly, you should include the actions of these characters and how Atticus influenced them.


well i need three subtopics to prove my thesis

In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus plays a big role on influence, both to the towns people and especially his children.

thats my thesis

I suggest you simplify your sentence to:

In Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus greatly influences both his children and the town's people.

Your subtopics should reflect what he did and what the others did in response to Atticus.

he influences the kids to have respect for all people, he influenced not to be prejudice.

and idk what else

Be more specific. I urge you to reread this book and take notes on Atticus' influences.

i read it i finished it two days ago but i don't know what could be the subtopics

like should i just narrow it down to atticus influencing just scout or will it be easier if i did the town and the children

To answer your question about what can be found about the character by reading the novel, it appears that the character being referred to is Atticus Finch from the novel you mentioned. Atticus is known for his ability to see the good in everyone and not focus on the bad. He demonstrates this by defending Tom Robinson, who is unjustly accused in the novel. Atticus also practices the ethic of sympathy and understanding that he teaches to his children, Scout and Jem. He never holds grudges against the people of Maycomb, showing his commitment to forgiveness. Additionally, Atticus is portrayed as a wise parent who imparts important lessons to his children. He is also described as standing firmly for justice and being willing to consider different perspectives. These qualities make Atticus a central and respected character in the novel.

Regarding your first question about whether the analysis of Atticus Finch can be found on Sparknotes, I am unable to access specific information from specific sources like Sparknotes. However, Sparknotes is a popular online resource that provides study guides, summaries, and analysis for literary works, including novels like the one you mentioned. If you are looking for analysis of Atticus Finch or any other character, it is worth checking if Sparknotes or similar study guides have provided insights on the character's traits, development, and significance within the novel.