y/4=15/20 how do I solve the proportion? please explain it to me. I have several to do


Cross multiply.

20y = 60

Solve for y.

y = 60/20 = 3


To solve the proportion y/4 = 15/20, we need to cross-multiply and then solve for the variable.

Step 1: Cross-multiply
Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction and vice versa.

(y * 20) = (4 * 15)

Step 2: Simplify
Perform the multiplication on both sides.

20y = 60

Step 3: Solve for y
To isolate the variable y, we divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of y, which is 20.

(20y) / 20 = 60 / 20
y = 3

Therefore, the value of y that satisfies the given proportion is 3.

If you have several proportions to solve, follow the same steps for each proportion. Cross-multiply, simplify, and then solve for the variable.