Nina walked 15 yards to Paul's house. They then went hiking. Which rule shows how many yards Nina walks for every yard Paul walks?

a. p=n+15
b. n=p+15
c. P=15-n
d. n=p-15

To determine which rule shows how many yards Nina walks for every yard Paul walks, let's break down the information given in the question.

The question states that Nina walked 15 yards to Paul's house and then they went hiking together. This implies that Nina's walking distance is directly related to Paul's walking distance.

Looking at the answer choices:
a. p=n+15: This equation suggests Paul's walking distance (p) is equal to Nina's walking distance (n) plus 15. However, we want to show how many yards Nina walks for every yard Paul walks, not the other way around.

b. n=p+15: This equation suggests Nina's walking distance (n) is equal to Paul's walking distance (p) plus 15. This also does not show the desired relationship.

c. P=15-n: This equation suggests Paul's walking distance (P) is equal to 15 minus Nina's walking distance (n). While it's the inverse of the desired relationship, it does not show how many yards Nina walks for every yard Paul walks.

d. n=p-15: This equation suggests Nina's walking distance (n) is equal to Paul's walking distance (p) minus 15. This shows the desired relationship; for every yard Paul walks, Nina walks 15 yards less.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. n=p-15.