Was Macbeth to blame for his own tragedy in Macbeth? There are two possibilities Macbeth or Lady macbeth.

Or the Witches.

He conceived the plot, and when he became spinless, Lady goaded him on. He was responsbile.

Check my thinking. Others will disagree.

I felt Macbeth was responsible for the tragedy due to the greed and ambition.

Determining who is to blame for Macbeth's tragedy can be subjective and open to interpretation. However, there are various factors that contribute to his downfall.

Firstly, Macbeth himself plays a significant role in his own tragedy. He is motivated by his ambitious nature and a desire for power, which leads him to contemplate and eventually commit regicide. Macbeth's initial choice to act on the prophecies of the witches and kill King Duncan shows his willingness to prioritize personal gain over moral principles. As the play progresses, his ambition becomes insatiable, and he continues to make progressively more ruthless and brutal decisions in order to secure his position as king.

Additionally, Lady Macbeth can be seen as partly responsible for Macbeth's tragic fate. She is instrumental in convincing Macbeth to pursue the prophecies by questioning his masculinity and manipulating his guilt. Her relentless persuasion and cold-hearted ambition push Macbeth further into a path of destruction. However, it can be argued that Macbeth is ultimately the one who decides to take these actions and follows through with them, showcasing his own agency.

Lastly, the three witches play a critical role in Macbeth's downfall. They plant the initial seed of ambition in Macbeth's mind by prophesying that he will become king. While they do not control his actions directly, their influence and predictions fuel Macbeth's inner turmoil and drive him to chase after power, leading to his tragic demise.

In conclusion, while there are several contributing factors to Macbeth's tragedy, including Lady Macbeth's influence and the witches' prophecies, Macbeth himself bears the ultimate responsibility. His own ambition and willingness to compromise his morals drive him to make increasingly destructive choices, ultimately leading to his downfall.