Find the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the data.

129, 113, 200, 100, 105, 132, 100, 176, 146, 152


30th percentile = 113
90th percentile = 200

thank you

Well, if the 30th %ile is where 30% of the scores are less than that, then since there are 10 scores, and 3 are less than 113, I'd say you are correct.

same for 200

To find the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the given data, you need to arrange the numbers in ascending order first:

100, 100, 105, 113, 129, 132, 146, 152, 176, 200

Next, calculate the position of the desired percentiles.

For the 30th percentile:
30% of 10 numbers = 0.3 * 10 = 3rd number

For the 90th percentile:
90% of 10 numbers = 0.9 * 10 = 9th number

Now, you can identify the values corresponding to these positions in the arranged data:

30th percentile = 113
90th percentile = 200

So, the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the given data are 113 and 200, respectively.

To find the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the given data, you can follow these steps:

1. Sort the data in ascending order:

100, 100, 105, 113, 129, 132, 146, 152, 176, 200

2. Calculate the rank of the values:

The rank of a value is its position in the sorted data. In this case, we have 10 values. The rank of the 30th percentile is calculated as (30/100) * n, where n is the total number of values. So, (30/100) * 10 = 3. Thus, the rank of the 30th percentile is 3.

Similarly, the rank of the 90th percentile is (90/100) * 10 = 9.

3. Find the corresponding values:

Based on the ranks calculated in step 2, you can find the corresponding values from the sorted data.

The 30th percentile has a rank of 3, so the value at the 3rd position in the sorted data is 105. Therefore, the 30th percentile is 113.

The 90th percentile has a rank of 9, so the value at the 9th position in the sorted data is 176. Therefore, the 90th percentile is 200.

Thus, the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the given data are 113 and 200, respectively.