Crossing over (genetic recombination) and independent assortment result in

A.) genetic variation in the gametes
B.) four identical gametes
C.) two diploid cells
D.) a very large number of mutations

The correct answer is A) genetic variation in the gametes.

Crossing over, also known as genetic recombination, occurs during meiosis. This process involves the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes. As a result, new combinations of alleles are formed, leading to genetic variation in the gametes.

Independent assortment is another process that occurs during meiosis. It refers to the random alignment and separation of homologous chromosomes in the metaphase I of meiosis. This means that different combinations of chromosomes can end up in gametes, further contributing to genetic variation.

By combining crossing over and independent assortment, there is an increased possibility of generating gametes with different combinations of alleles. This genetic variation is essential in populations, as it provides the basis for adaptation, evolution, and the ability to respond to changing environments. Therefore, the correct answer is A) genetic variation in the gametes.