Mr.Ricci spent 1/3 of his salary on food and 2/5 of the remainder on transport. What fraction of his salary did he have left? If he had $600 left, find his salary.

The answer is 2250

Let's solve this step by step.

Step 1: Calculate the fraction of his salary spent on food.
Mr. Ricci spent 1/3 of his salary on food, so the fraction remaining after he spent on food is 1 - 1/3 = 2/3.

Step 2: Calculate the fraction of the remainder spent on transport.
Mr. Ricci spent 2/5 of the remainder on transport. Since the remainder is 2/3, the fraction remaining after he spent on transport is 1 - 2/5 = 3/5.

Step 3: Determine the fraction of his salary he had left.
From step 2, we know that Mr. Ricci had 3/5 of his salary remaining.

Step 4: Convert the fraction to a dollar amount.
If 3/5 represents $600, then 1/5 represents $600 * (1/(3/5)) = $600 * (5/3) = $1000.

Step 5: Calculate the total salary.
Since 1/5 represents $1000, then the total salary is 5/5 = $1000 * 5 = $5000.

Therefore, Mr. Ricci's salary is $5000.

To solve this problem, we will need to break it down into steps.

Step 1: Find the fraction of Mr. Ricci's salary spent on food.
Mr. Ricci spent 1/3 of his salary on food. This means that 1/3 of his salary is gone.

Step 2: Find the remainder after food expenses.
To find the remainder, we need to subtract the fraction spent on food from 1.
1 - 1/3 = 2/3
Now, 2/3 of Mr. Ricci's salary remains.

Step 3: Find the fraction of the remainder spent on transport.
Mr. Ricci spent 2/5 of the remainder on transport. This means that 2/5 of 2/3 of his salary is gone.

To find the remaining salary, we need to subtract the fraction spent on transport from the remainder.
2/3 - (2/5 * 2/3) = 2/3 - 4/15
To simplify, we need to find a common denominator for 3 and 5, which is 15.
(10/15) - (4/15) = 6/15

So, Mr. Ricci is left with 6/15 of his salary.

To find his salary, we can set up a proportion using the given information that he has $600 left.
6/15 = 600/x
Here, x represents Mr. Ricci's salary.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:
6x = 15 * 600
6x = 9000
x = 9000/6
x = $1500

Therefore, Mr. Ricci's salary is $1500.

1-1/3 = 2/3

2/5 * 2/3 = 4/15

1 - 1/3 - 4/15 = 6/15 = 2/5

so, you want 2/5 x = 600