In the sentence, "If you keep talking to me, I can't finish." would "to me" be a prepositional phrase?


A preposition is a word that begins a prepositional phrase and shows the relationship between its object and another word in the sentence.

Yes. "To me" is a prepositional phrase.

Yes, in the sentence "If you keep talking to me, I can't finish," the phrase "to me" functions as a prepositional phrase. To confirm this, you can break down the structure of the sentence and identify the function of each word or phrase:

1. "If" is a subordinating conjunction that introduces a conditional clause.
2. "you keep talking" is the main clause of the sentence. "keep talking" is the verb phrase, and "you" is the subject.
3. "to me" is a prepositional phrase that functions as the object of the verb "talking."

To identify a prepositional phrase, you can look for a preposition (in this case, "to") followed by a noun or pronoun ("me"). The prepositional phrase provides additional information about the verb, answering the question "to whom?" or "to what?" in this case.