If a salesman earned 6% commissions on sales, and in one week he earned $300 in commissions, how much merchandise did he sell that week?

0.06x = 300

x = 5,000

This is a ratio question where we did not have listed the amount of merchandise that was sold for that week. We divided to get x by it self and then divided 0.06 into 300 and got x = 5,000

To find out how much merchandise the salesman sold in one week, we can use the formula for calculating commissions.

Let's assign the amount of merchandise sold as "x".

The salesman earns a 6% commission on sales, so we can calculate the commission by multiplying the amount of merchandise sold by 6% (or 0.06):

Commission = 0.06 * x

Given that the salesman earned $300 in commissions, we can set up the equation:

300 = 0.06 * x

Now, let's solve the equation to find the value of x:

x = 300 / 0.06

x = 5000

Therefore, the salesman sold $5,000 worth of merchandise in one week.