jim is 13 years older than tom the sum of their age is 75. how old is tom and how old is jim

x + x + 13 = 75

2x = 62

x = 31

Tom is 31.

Jim - 13 = Tom

Jim + Tom = 75

Jim + (Jim - 13) = 75

2 Jim - 13 + 75

2 Jim = 88
Jim = 44
Tom = Jim-13 = 31

To solve this problem, we can use a system of equations. Let's assign variables to represent the ages of Jim and Tom.

Let's say Tom's age is "T" years.

According to the problem, Jim is 13 years older than Tom, so we can represent Jim's age as "T + 13".

The sum of their ages is 75, so we can set up the following equation:

T + (T + 13) = 75

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of "T" and determine Tom's age.

Combining like terms, we get:

2T + 13 = 75

Subtracting 13 from both sides:

2T = 75 - 13

2T = 62

Dividing both sides by 2:

T = 62 / 2

T = 31

Therefore, Tom's age is 31 years old.

To find Jim's age, we substitute T = 31 into our equation:

Jim's age = T + 13

Jim's age = 31 + 13

Jim's age = 44

So, Jim's age is 44 years old.