Create a visually stunning image of a neatly maintained garden, divided into five equal sections. The garden could be rectangular in shape, divided by small pebble or stone paths. Within the sections, there could be variant plants or flowers representing different varieties. The garden could be situated in a suburban environment, under a clear blue sky, with a beautiful home in the background. There should also be an implication of a plan for Holly to reorganize and fence these five equal sections into three distinct areas, without any clear fencing yet.

holly's garden is divided into 5 equal sections. she will fence the garden into 3 areas by grouping some equal sections together. what part of the garden could each fenced area be?

G u yf yc fy dy dy dy uf uf tsxs. Dcc?


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Im famous!!

To determine the size of each fenced area, you need to divide the garden into 3 equal parts by grouping some of the equal sections together.

Since Holly's garden is initially divided into 5 equal sections, you can consider different combinations of grouping:

1. Grouping 2 equal sections together:
- In this case, you will have 2 fenced areas with 2 equal sections each, and 1 fenced area with 1 equal section. The size of each fenced area would be 2/5, 2/5, and 1/5 of the garden.

2. Grouping 3 equal sections together:
- By grouping 3 equal sections together, you will have 2 fenced areas with 3 equal sections each, and 1 fenced area with 2 equal sections. The size of each fenced area would be 3/5, 3/5, and 2/5 of the garden.

3. Grouping 4 equal sections together:
- If you group 4 equal sections together, you will end up with 1 fenced area consisting of 4 equal sections and 2 fenced areas with 1 equal section each. Therefore, the size of each fenced area would be 4/5, 1/5, and 1/5 of the garden.

It's important to note that there are multiple ways to group the equal sections, and these examples provide a few possible scenarios. The exact size of each fenced area will depend on the specific grouping chosen by Holly.

She wil fence 2 parts

Monica has a 9 foot garden . she wants to plant a miniature lilac bush every 1)3 foot to divide it into sections will she have?