1.why must omar and his brothers work in the mines?

A.they cannot attend school
B.their mother cannot support them
C.they have no other job prospects
D.they do not know another trade

I took the quiz and here are the answers:

1. B
2. C
3. C
I got 100%

i looked at these answers after i did it myself and blahblah is wrong Kaylee got them right and so did i

Whoever the ?? is.... That is such a cruel thing to say. I hope they ban you from this site. Some of us, actually come here to get help!

everyone just stop @peanut I'm glad you stood up and told ?? what's what, sure people can say what they want to say but they should take a moment to breathe and think about how it will affect the person. "I hope your mom dies of cancer" are very poorly chosen words, this world can be very hurtful but if somethings wrong...don't take it out on other people. just talk to someone you truly trust. nobody on the face of earth deserves to have someone say such hurtful things to them. I hope this has changed your way of seeing, and I hope no one bullies or cyber bullies anymore. :) happy thoughts!!!!!!

Ms.Sue aren't you a Moderator or something? Is that how you found thier Location's?? did you get Find thier IP Adress?

who people

You and the 3 or more aliases who all use the same computer of the same wi fi in your home in A_____, South Carolina.

haha not

what's the answer?

then what are the real answers