which one of the following lines best illustrates personification?

a. spring is a dream unsung
b. a narrow wind complains all day
c. the fog comes on little cat feet
d. she floated graceful as a dove.

I think b or d

D is a simile, not personification.

I believe the answer would be B. a narrow wind complains all day.

the answer would not be D. because it is a simile ( comparing her floating to a dove)

Answer is definitely B. a narrow wind complains all day..

a narrow wind complains all day

To determine which line best illustrates personification, let's first understand what personification is. Personification is a figure of speech where human qualities or characteristics are given to non-human entities or objects. It's a way to make these non-human things more relatable and vivid.

Now let's analyze the options:

a. "Spring is a dream unsung." - This line uses metaphor (a comparison without using "like" or "as") to describe spring as a dream. It does not employ personification since it's not giving human qualities to spring.

b. "A narrow wind complains all day." - This line seems to be the best example of personification. The wind is being described as complaining, which is a human quality attributed to a non-human entity.

c. "The fog comes on little cat feet." - This line is a simile (a comparison using "like" or "as") that compares the fog to little cat feet. While similes can be used in personification, this particular line does not attribute human qualities to the fog itself.

d. "She floated graceful as a dove." - This sentence is a simile that compares "she" to a graceful dove. It does not directly involve personification.

Based on the analysis, the line that best illustrates personification is b. "A narrow wind complains all day."