I just need to check if I am right. Thank you.

All of the following influenced the Framers in developing the Constitution EXCEPT

a. State constitutions

b. John Locke's "Two Treatises of Government"

c. Virginia's royal charter

d. British tradition

I am almost certain it is d but I need verification. Thanks

I believe it's "a" -- are you sure the states had constitutions yet??


I agree with Writeacher -- a. is the correct answer. I checked the constitution dates for five of the original states and they were ratified between 1776 and 1780. The U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1791.

British tradition played a large part in the formulation of our Constitution.

The answers are B A & D.

To verify the correct answer to the question, "All of the following influenced the Framers in developing the Constitution EXCEPT," let's analyze each option:

a. State constitutions: This option suggests that state constitutions did influence the Framers in developing the Constitution. In fact, state constitutions served as a significant influence on the creation of the United States Constitution. They provided important frameworks and ideas for the structure and content of the federal constitution.

b. John Locke's "Two Treatises of Government": John Locke's work, "Two Treatises of Government," significantly influenced the ideas of the Framers of the Constitution. It emphasized the concepts of natural rights, limited government, and the consent of the governed, which became fundamental principles in the US Constitution.

c. Virginia's royal charter: Virginia's royal charter, granted by the British Crown, was one of the influences on the Framers. It established the legal authority and boundaries of the Virginia colony, and its principles likely had some impact on the development of the US Constitution.

d. British tradition: British tradition played a significant role in shaping the US Constitution. Many aspects of the British legal system, such as common law, the principle of due process, and the concept of representative government, influenced the Framers' decision-making.

Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that the correct answer to the question is a. State constitutions. State constitutions were, in fact, influential in the development of the US Constitution. Therefore, your initial intuition was incorrect, and the correct answer is not d. British tradition.