Find the volume of a cone with a radius of 10 mm and a height of 6 mm.

628 mm3
600 mm3
1,884 mm3
1,254 mm3

Find the surface area of a square pyramid with a base length of 11 cm and a slant height of 15 cm.

472 cm2
451 cm2
781 cm2
330 cm2

Find the volume of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions:
Length = 5 mm
Base = 7 mm
Height = 3 mm

142 mm3
105 mm3
126 mm3
130 mm

Volume cone = 1/3π(r^2)h

Surface area Square pyramid = 2bs+b^2

Volume Rectangular prism = L*b*m

To find the volume of a cone, you can use the formula: V = (1/3)πr²h, where "V" represents the volume, "r" represents the radius, and "h" represents the height.

For the first question, the cone has a radius of 10 mm and a height of 6 mm. Using the formula, you can substitute these values to calculate the volume.

V = (1/3)π(10²)(6)
= (1/3)π(100)(6)
= (1/3)π(600)
≈ 628 mm³

Therefore, the correct answer is 628 mm³.

To find the surface area of a square pyramid, you can use the formula: A = l² + 2ls, where "A" represents the surface area, "l" represents the base length, and "s" represents the slant height.

For the second question, the square pyramid has a base length of 11 cm and a slant height of 15 cm. Using the formula, you can substitute these values to calculate the surface area.

A = (11²) + 2(11)(15)
= 121 + 2(11)(15)
= 121 + 330
= 451 cm²

Therefore, the correct answer is 451 cm².

To find the volume of a rectangular prism, you can use the formula: V = lwh, where "V" represents the volume, "l" represents the length, "w" represents the base width, and "h" represents the height.

For the third question, the rectangular prism has a length of 5 mm, base width of 7 mm, and a height of 3 mm. Using the formula, you can substitute these values to calculate the volume.

V = (5)(7)(3)
= 35(3)
= 105 mm³

Therefore, the correct answer is 105 mm³.