Ummm does this work with my heading?

Sport and the Economy
Our economy is at an uncertain point. High taxes, high maintenance and don’t we all dread the announcement blaring on our TV? You know the one! The reserve bank has decided to raise intrest rates. With all that fuss the finance minister is probably having a bad case of… finance blues.
Where am I going you may well ask. So I will answer you. Sport on Television is crucial to the free tv industry. Without money they bring in from sport advertising revenue they are not able to supply other tv shows such as the simpsons CSI Law and Order. all of these shows are supplied because of POPULAR DEMAND. At the moment however
• 80% of sport watchers are men.
So if that popular demand was to change then, not only would it stop a bad case of unpopularity for any TV station under law, it will also gain more advertising from sponsors. This will not take away from the Revenue money. How would this change? Easy! By Let the situation even out by encourageing womans sport from a early age with no age limit. This is not only giving the TV station “RIGHTS AT WORK!!! but also not giving them the well known case of finance blues

Thanks Minerva

I don't agree with most of your points, and the train of thought seems disjointed. The heading/title seems OK for the points you are trying to make.

The passage you provided discusses the relationship between sport and the economy, particularly in relation to television and advertising revenue. The author suggests that sport on television is crucial for the free TV industry because the advertising revenue generated from sport allows them to fund other TV shows. The author highlights that currently, 80% of sport watchers are men, and proposes that by encouraging women's sports from an early age without age limits, the popularity and demand for women's sports on TV could increase. This, in turn, could lead to more advertising revenue and, consequently, mitigate any financial difficulties faced by TV stations.

It's important to note that the passage expresses the author's opinion and does not provide any factual data or evidence to support their claims. However, the concept of sports' influence on the economy is widely discussed, and it is recognized that sports have the potential to generate significant revenue through various channels, including advertising, broadcasting rights, ticket sales, and sponsorship deals.