2. Roman Catholic dogma is an example of moral thinking based on (Points : 1)

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what Roman Catholic dogma is and how it influences moral thinking.

Roman Catholic dogma refers to the official teachings and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. These teachings are based on interpretations of scripture, traditions, and the authority of the Pope and the Magisterium. Moral thinking, on the other hand, relates to ethical reasoning and the principles and values that guide human behavior.

To find the answer, we can consider the principles and values that are central to Roman Catholic dogma and see if they align with those typically associated with moral thinking. Some of the key principles of Roman Catholic dogma include the dignity of human life, the importance of virtue, the common good, and the pursuit of justice.

Based on these principles, it can be argued that Roman Catholic dogma incorporates moral thinking. The emphasis on the dignity of human life suggests a respect for the inherent worth and value of every individual, which is a fundamental aspect of moral thinking. The focus on virtue and the pursuit of justice also align with the ideals of ethical reasoning.

In conclusion, Roman Catholic dogma can be considered an example of moral thinking as it incorporates principles and values that guide ethical reasoning and behavior.