Kudzu is a climbing vine native to Japan and China. It was introduced in the U.S. in the late 1800s. Today, this plant is common along roadsides in the Southeast, where it takes over and destroys native vegetation. Kudzu would be classified as a(n) ____________ species.

My answer is invasive

Note: If you are currently doing the Matter and Energy Unit Test for Science in Connexus, don't listen to unseenface0987, as the unit test has twenty-four questions and he has answers to a completely different quiz accompanied by EIGHT questions.

If your in connexus here are the answers,

Your welcome

I agree.

I knew it

r they right?

i am!!!

Thanks for the head's up @lol

gracias unseen he is correct.

Your answer is correct. Kudzu would be classified as an invasive species. To reach this conclusion, you could have considered the information you provided about the negative impact of kudzu on native vegetation. Invasive species are characterized by their ability to rapidly spread and dominate new environments, often outcompeting native species and causing harm to ecosystems. Kudzu's introduction and subsequent dominance along roadsides in the Southeast, as described, aligns with the characteristics of an invasive species. Well done!

i agree